20 “New Girl” gifs for those soon-to-be Carolina grads

When you finish classes, feel READY to graduate, and remember you still have finals, papers, and/or projects due.


When someone reminds you that graduation is 2 weeks from today…


When you finish your last final and (somehow) pass even though you were too busy reminiscing and drinking blue cups to study.


When you check that FINAL final transcript on ConnectCarolina.


When the juniors start calling themselves seniors before you’ve even graduated.


When literally anyone asks how you feel about starting your life as a “real adult”


Oh hello, have we popped enough bottles at the bell tower? The answer is always no. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH CHAMPAGNE TO DESCRIBE THIS FEELING.


When your entire extended family shows up for graduation weekend…

…and the family drama begins.


When Chancellor Folt officially tells you on May 13th that you have to leave Carolina.


When you’re trying to celebrate but relatives keep pestering you about your 5 year plan, romantic interests, career aspirations, and other topics that bring you back to reality.


When you got the degree but still don’t have the job…

*messages every LinkedIn connection*

…and describe, in detail, your (Microsoft Office) skills to interviewers.


So you have to start budgeting and taking fiscal responsibility or whatever…

…then realize your degree didn’t teach you how to do such a thing.


Reminding yourself that getting a degree from UNC is a huge accomplishment, and you should be proud of those 4 years of hard work- YOU DID IT!


All fun aside, if you’re graduating from UNC, obviously you’re ambitious, intelligent, and totally capable of handling the journey ahead! If you don’t have that perfect job yet- don’t worry! Great things are out there for you- just be patient.

Congratulations, Class of 2018! It’s always a good day to be a Tar Heel.


Photo credit: Melanie Busbee/UNC-Chapel Hill

Gif credit: GIPHY.com

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